Wall Street Journal: For chat-based AI, we are all once again tech companies’ guinea pigs. Feb. 25, 2023
Nature: The battle for ethical AI at the world’s biggest machine-learning conference. Jan. 24, 2020
VentureBeat: AI Weekly: Celeste Kidd on how to close the AI research gender gap. Jan. 3, 2020
VentureBeat: Top minds in machine learning predict where AI is going in 2020. Jan. 2, 2020
MIT Technology Review: The AI community needs to take responsibility for its technology and its actions. Dec. 13, 2019
Fortune: Sexual harassment issues highlighted at a leading A.I. conference. Dec. 13, 2019
MIT Technology Review: An AI conference once known for blowout parties is finally growing up. Dec. 13, 2019
Wall Street Journal: Artificial Intelligence is teaching us new, surprising things about the human mind. April 1, 2023
Generally Intelligent: Celeste Kidd, UC Berkeley: On attention and curiosity, and how we form beliefs. Nov. 22, 2022
Factually! with Adam Conover: Where beliefs come from with Celeste Kidd. Feb. 11, 2020
TWIML Podcast: How to know with Celeste Kidd. Dec. 23, 2019
Fortune: The emerging disconnect between business and academic interests in A.I. Dec. 17, 2019
VentureBeat: AI Weekly: NeurIPS proves machine learning at scale is hard. Dec 13, 2019
The Big Smoke (Australia): Do we need to educate our kids about YouTube's algorithm? Sept. 14, 2018
Live Science: Why false beliefs are hard to shake. Sept. 12, 2018
Metro UK: Here’s how people start believing the Earth is flat, according to science. Sept. 10, 2018
New Zealand Herald: Weird Science: Why do cranks stick to their beliefs? Sept. 8, 2018
Daily Mail: Why flat Earthers and Holocaust deniers won't change their mind. Sept. 4, 2018
Newsline: Why we follow spurious beliefs. Sept. 4, 2018
Fatherly: The IQ test for kids that never caught on, Nov. 6, 2019
UnDark Magazine: Of evolution, culture, and the obstetrical dilemma Nov. 29, 2017
Fatherly: The Evolutionary Reason Human Babies Are Born Helpless Oct. 19, 2016
The New Yorker: Why are babies so dumb if humans are so smart? Sept. 7, 2016
Dân Trí Viet Nam: Nuôi con giúp cha me thông minh hon June 19, 2016
BBC World The Why Factor: Why are we getting smarter? June 15, 2016
Tin Tuc Viet Nam: Loài nguoi thông minh hon nho tre so sinh? June 14, 2016
Nostro Figlio: La vulnerabilità dei neonati ha aiutato la nostra evoluzione? June 13, 2016
Nautilus: Did preemies make humans smart? June 5, 2016
Focus Magazine: Bambini indifesi fanno l'uomo intelligente June 3, 2016
Scientific American: Does a newborn's helplessness hold the key to human smarts? June 1, 2016
CBC Quirks & Quarks: Helpless babies make for smart parents May 28, 2016
The Economist: Of bairns and brains May 28, 2016
CBC News: Study draws link between helpless babies and human intelligence May 27, 2016
Ars Technica: Getting babies to stop crying and not die may have made humans smarter May 25, 2016
Science & Vie: S’occuper des enfants a rendu les humains intelligents May 25, 2016
Deutschlandfunk: Intelligente eltern braucht das kind May 24, 2016
La Vanguardia: Bebés indefensos, padres más inteligentes May 24, 2016
Washington Post: How helpless babies helped make humans so smart May 24, 2016
Bild der Wissenschaft: Intelligenz-evolution durch kinderbetreuung? May 23, 2016
Business Insider: There may be a counterintuitive origin to human intelligence May 23, 2016
Daily Mail: Did caring for children give us bigger brains? May 23, 2016
International Business Times: Humans evolved superior intelligence to care for our helpless babies May 23, 2016
TIME: How child care made humans smart May 23, 2016
Forbes: Kids wait for treats longer if they’re trying to impress others. Sept. 11, 2020
Junkee: Locked down but not out. May 21, 2020
Fatherly: The famous “marshmallow test” of kids’ self-discipline missed something big July 8, 2018
Forbes: Kids have more self-control today than in the '60s July 3, 2018
Business Insider: Famous Stanford 'marshmallow test' challenged because of a major flaw. May 31, 2018
NPR: So it's just you and a marshmallow: would you pass the test? Jan. 6, 2018
Forbes: Now more than ever, employees want to know: is there a second marshmallow? June 7, 2017
Time: 14 Factors That Affect the Decisions You Make Oct. 2, 2015
Atlantico: La maîtrise de soi, ça s’apprend à tout âge (et ça commence avec le test du chamallow). Oct. 17, 2014
New York Times: What Drives Success? Jan. 25, 2014
New York Times Magazine: We Didn’t Eat the Marshmallow. The Marshmallow Ate Us. Jan. 10, 2014
New York Times: You’re So Self-Controlling. Nov. 17, 2013
Science News: Delaying gratification is about worldview as much as willpower. Nov. 17, 2013
Scientific American MIND: A Marshmallow in the Hand: To predict success in children, look beyond willpower. March 11, 2013
Discover Magazine: Top Stories of 2012: #86 - Why Kids Make Rash Decisions. Jan. 13, 2013
Psychology Today: A Toasted Marshmallow (Test). Jan. 2, 2013
Psychology Today: Marshmallows, willpower, and reliability. Oct. 24, 2012
U.S. News & World Report: The marshmallow test revisited. Oct. 24, 2012
New York Times: Motherload Weekly Reader: Vampires, Park Slope, Men and Marshmallows. Oct. 23, 2012
Newstalk Radio Ireland: Moncrieff: Interview with Celeste Kidd. Oct. 23, 2012
Wall Street Journal: Daniel Akst’s Week in Ideas - Psychology: Mindful of Marshmallows. Oct. 19, 2012
Psychology Today: Kids’ willpower influenced by others’ reliability. Oct. 19, 2012
Daily Mail: Children are more trusting than you think. Oct. 17, 2012
Science News: Delaying gratification is about worldview as much as willpower. Oct. 17, 2012
io9: Researchers revisit history’s most adorable psychological experiment, find something new. Oct. 17, 2012
Wall Street Journal: Self-control arises from nurture as well as nature. Oct. 16, 2012
Popular Science: New version of classic marshmallow experiment upends original conclusions. Oct. 16, 2012
Slate: Reconsidering the marshmallow test. Oct. 16, 2012
CBS News: New "marshmallow test" suggests trust matters. Oct. 16, 2012
USA Today: Updated 'marshmallow test' offers insight on kids' delayed gratification. Oct. 16, 2012
Scientific American 60-Second Mind: Helping your child delay gratification Oct. 15, 2012
Washington Post: A new take on the marshmallow test. Oct. 15, 2012
Smithsonian Magazine: The marshmallow test gets more complicated. Oct. 15, 2012
Globe and Mail: A reliable environment fosters child’s capacity for self-control. Oct. 14, 2012
Washington Post: The marshmallow test revisited. Oct. 13, 2012
Business Insider: New marshmallow study challenges conventional thinking about willpower. Oct. 12, 2012
TIME: Marshmallow-ology: Why wait, when the better treat might never arrive? Oct. 12, 2012
Boing Boing: Marshmallow study and class. Oct. 11, 2012
Mother Jones: New Study: Delayed gratification not a winning strategy if researchers are big meanies. Oct. 11, 2012
TES Magazine: How certainty drives learning. Jan 31, 2023
New Scientist: How curiosity can supercharge your brain and boost your success. Oct 12, 2022
Fatherly: 4 ways boredom is actually great for kids. March 17, 2020
Particle: Getting curious about curiosity. Feb. 12, 2020
Fatherly: How to tell when a baby is bored and what to do about it Feb. 7 19, 2018
Nautilus: Curiosity depends on what you already know Feb. 25, 2016
ABC National Radio Australia: We know it killed the cat, but there's still much to learn about curiosity Nov. 10, 2015
CBC News: Curious about curiosity? The science behind enquiring minds Nov. 5, 2015
BNR Newsradio: Waarom zijn we nieuwsgierig? (Why are we curious?) Nov. 5, 2015
BBC News: Babies' Minds: The truth about life and death. July 13, 2014
Correio Braziliense: Aprendizado na medida certa. June 3, 2012
New York Times: Babies’ hunger to learn has a “Goldilocks effect”. May 28, 2012
La Repubblica: Fate attenzione, cari genitorii neonati a volte si annoiano. May 26, 2012
Daily Mail: Babies filter out information they see as too complicated. May 24, 2012
Daily Telegraph: How to win the bored baby battle. May 24, 2012
Discovery News: Babies know what’s boring. May 24, 2012
Good Morning America: “Goldilocks Effect”: Babies learn when things aren't too complex, too simple. May 24, 2012
Huffington Post: Babies' attention span: Study explains the 'Goldilocks effect'. May 24, 2012
Scientific American 60-Second Science: Babies’ attention choices fall within Goldilocks zone. May 23, 2012
ABC News: Babies have a learning “sweet spot”. May 23, 2012
Boing Boing: How much kid-stimulus is right? May 23, 2012
CBS News: The Goldilocks effect in babies. May 23, 2012
Fatherly: How to teach children new words by showing them stuff. Feb 27, 2019
Scientific American MIND: Hesitant speech helps kids, um, learn. Oct. 11, 2011
Slate: An uh, er, um essay: In praise of verbal stumbles. July 26, 2011
Parents Magazine: “Um” and “uh” can help toddlers learn new words. April 29, 2011
New Scientist: Baby brain expert: “Ums” and “ers” help children learn. April 28, 2011
Epoch Times Deutschland: Sprechpausen steigern aufmerksamkeit von kindern. April 19, 2011
Discovery News: Uh and um may help children learn language. April 18, 2011
La Repubblica: Quelle “pause” del discorsoinsegnano ai piccoli a parlare. April 18, 2011
Naked Scientists Podcast: Um, that's the way we learn. April 17, 2011
Scientific American 60-Second Mind: Our uhs and ums may help children learn language. April 17, 2011
The Independent: Parents who stumble over words may help children learn language. April 15, 2011
Today Show: Verbal fumbling can help kids learn language skills. April 15, 2011
ABC News Radio: Verbal crutches may help kids learn new words. April 14, 2011
Daily Mail: “Umming” and “ahhing” parents help their babies learn to speak. April 14, 2011
Fox News: Um, uh ... speech stumbles help toddlers learn new words. April 14, 2011
Good Morning America: “Ums” and “ahs” help toddlers learn language. April 14, 2011
NPR: Parents’ ums and uhs can help toddlers learn language. April 14, 2011
LifeHacker: Why your toddler gets mad when you give them what they wanted. July 15, 2019
Fatherly: Most coding toys for babies are bull, but that’s totally fine. April 4, 2018
Fatherly: Don’t blame your kid for getting you sick. March 4, 2018
Fatherly: How to invite imaginary friends into the family. Aug. 21, 2017
Fatherly: The problem with parenting advice? Faulty premises. July 5, 2017
Fatherly: Why a kid’s first lie is a huge achievement. May 17, 2017
Scientific American: Could childhood adversity boost creativity? March 1, 2016